I know that you will hear it from others but . . . UCR elections are coming up in November and we will be determining who manages our club and its activities next year. The new board, in turn, should appoint all the 2016 event chairs before it begins making plans later in the year, our fortieth. Think about doing your part to help in your own way. We have been members since 1983 and the return we have received for our investment in the club has been very rewarding. The bottom line is that you are getting out of it in proportion to what you put in. It may be time for you to consider getting involved in any number of areas that you have modest skill at. It’s not just about P-cars. It’s about people. You and me.
Any member of the board or event chair will be happy to talk to you about the opportunity for you to get involved in the way that you find most enjoyable. Be part of the team and you will be working with some great people, adding your own ideas to make our club even better and having a lot of fun at the same time.
Our monthly Socials have been the occasion for seeing many past UCR club presidents. I am pleasantly surprised when they show up and say hello. These are the club leaders that have helped UCR to become the largest in PCA and excel in so many ways. They still care and we thank them.
1976 Geoff McCord
1977 Stephen Rush
1978 Peter Ober
1979 Steve Megill
1980 David Pateman
1981 David Pateman
1982 Philip Hucker
1983 Philip Hucker
1984 Philip Hucker
1985 Philip Hucker
1986 Joseph Fantl
1987 Joseph Fantl
1988 Marc Plouffe
1989 Rosemary Adam
1990 Crawford Reid
1991 Philip White
1992 Clive Van Wert
1993 Peter Manson
1994 Gord McNeil
1995 Patti Green
1996 Botho von Bose
1997 Rainer Beltzner
1998 John Adam
1999 John Van Atter
2000 Ken Jensen
2001 Andy Wright
2002 Peter Helston
2003 David Langton
2004 Ray Pleasance
2005 Jeff White
2006 Wayne Spiegelberg
2007 Rob Sutherland
2008 Patrick Michaud
2009 Martin Tekela
2010 Martin Tekela
2011 Mario Marrello
2012 Mario Marrello
2013 Walter Murray
2014 Walter Murray
2015 Mike Bryan