2019 PCA-UCR Concours d’Elegance

It’s a wrap – here’s the event report

WHEW, WHAT A DAY IT WAS, and what a lead-up to it! So much work done by so many volunteers to make it all come together… So many beautiful cars covering nearly the entire Porsche model spectrum. In the end, it all turned out really very well and the weather pretty much cooperated too. Blessed with just a sprinkle toward the end of the event, we got off quite lightly. Not so, other areas in the Upper Canada Region, apparently causing some to decide to stay home. As the weather forecast worsened over the two days before the meet, some folks started to question whether we should not maybe postpone but I decided to stay the course and trust my instincts, to keep the momentum going, and well, I suppose I just happened to luck out!

The many who did come out enjoyed a great day of Porsche-Cars, Porsche-Talk and Porsche-People. With the shared passion for our favourite marque, the general camaraderie, meeting up with old friends and making new ones, enjoying the food and refreshments from our host venue, Wundeba, all in a beautiful setting – this really was as good as it gets in the Porsche enthusiast’s world.

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of our supporters and all of the volunteers who helped to make this event possible – Thank You!

Many thanks to our event supporters: 

Our Title Sponsor, Porsche Centre Oakville; our Premier Sponsors, JRP-Sonax, Restoration Design and The Forbes Cooper Group; our advertising sponsors, Auguste Automobile, Great Circle International, Just Detailed, Ultimate Transportation Products, Roadshow Auto. Last but not least, Porsche Cars Canada provided us with some awesome swag for the goodie bags. Thank you!

More photos: https://pcaucr.org/2019-concours-delegance/

A big thank you to our volunteers: 

The cadre of judges, led by Bruce Farrow, Randy Gananathan and Danny Kroll, including: Stefan Uriadka, Mike Martin, Ken Pustai, Peter Hoffman, Mike Dunn, Joy Singh, Kevin Zimic, Raffaele Sasso, Tom Kidd, Anthony Battista, Michael Pohlmann, and Rosemary and John Q. Adam (Score Tabulation).

And all of the helpers who worked tirelessly on registration, goodie bags, placing cars around the field in their respective areas, managing the general parking for spectators and visitors, tabulating peer-judging and people’s choice scores, and on and on, including: David Walker, David Forbes, Anne Forbes, Toni Clyke-Wankum, Zachary Wankum, Kim Hojo and Ariana and Natasha, David Dozois, Richard Shepard, Chris Ralphs, Joseph Dren, Michael Hutton, Mark Solomon, Grace Dasberg, Wally Muraki, Frank Tsang (Photos), Eshel Zweig (Photos), Laurel Ward and Mark Herring (Membership), Kathleen Wong (Pre-registration and Promotion), and Mario Marrello (Pre-registration).

The Numbers:

  • 118 Pre-Registered Cars in 18 out of 21 classes
  • 20 Pre-Registered No-Shows
  • 10 Drive-Ups, with one opting for Full-Concours
  • 108 Cars on the Concours Field in total (the most in the last 10 years)
  • 35 Peer-Judging Trophies awarded to First and Second Places in 18 classes
  • 30 The number of cars entered in the Full-Concours
  • 14 Full-Concours Trophies awarded to First and Second Place entrants.
  • 4 Special Awards Trophies Presented by our Title and Premier Sponsors
  • 108 Goodie Bags with special gifts from Porsche and other sponsors, along with an Enamelled Metal Grill Badge commemorating the event was given out to all participants.
  • 18 The number of Classes of Porsche models that were represented on the field; conspicuously absent: the four-door models, Cayenne, Panamera and Macan.
  • 350 The estimated number of people at the event, including entrants and spectators.

*Additional photos will be made available on the UCR website gallery as soon as this issue of Provinz is in the members’ hands; these will include all of the photos from the awards presentations.

Special Awards:
[table “3” not found /]

Peer Judging Show & Shine Results:
[table “2” not found /]

Full Concours Judged Classes:
[table “4” not found /]

Story by Kye Wankum, UCR Concours Co-Chair

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