I replaced my first 993 in 2008 with a 2003 996 and had always regretted the decision. I missed the connected-to-the-road feel one gets from a 993 and so, in 2011, I started the hunt for my next one.
Constantly browsing PCA and Rennlist ads, I eventually came across my dream car — a fully optioned Polar Silver ’96 993 C4S with an extensive maintenance history. I contacted the seller in Montreal (Dave O.) and requested the VIN in order to check out the car’s history. Dave provided the VIN but informed me that he had another interested buyer and I would have to act fast. Well, I didn’t act fast enough and by the time I got back to Dave, the car had been sold to a buyer in Toronto.
Over the next three years, my search continued in vain until 2014 when I stumbled across a listing in Autotrader for a Polar Silver ’96 993 C4S in Toronto. I contacted the seller (Doug B.) and he told me how he had acquired the car from a fellow in Montreal three years earlier. Could it be?! Doug provided the VIN and, sure enough, it was the same car.
I couldn’t believe my luck! I didn’t want to lose this one again but I explained to Doug that my daughter’s wedding was coming up in a week and I wouldn’t be able to get from Ottawa to Toronto to see the car until after the wedding. No problem, he said, I can tell you’re a serious buyer so I’ll hold the car until you’re able to get to Toronto. Wow, what a gentleman!
Later that week, I walked my little girl down the aisle, shed a few tears and gave my new son-in-law a big hug. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. The ceremony and reception went off without a hitch and we had a fantastic party.

The following week, I purchased a one-way air ticket to Toronto, confident that I would be driving back to Ottawa in the 993. Doug arranged to meet me at the island airport with the car and it was absolutely stunning to see. Doug is a 30-plus year member of PCA and a true Porsche enthusiast. My test drive confirmed that he had taken immaculate care of the car during his ownership as it performed flawlessly.
A pre-purchase inspection uncovered nothing of concern and, with that, we negotiated a final price, drove to the license bureau and registered the car in my name. I dropped Doug off at his home where we shared a drink and we said our good-byes. It was an exhilarating and uneventful drive home to Ottawa with an ear-to-ear smile on my face for the entire 450 kilometres.
After six years of ownership, the car now has 183,000 kilometres and is used as my daily driver from May to October. Except for routine maintenance, the only major expense has been a new clutch and fly wheel. I still smile every time I get in the car. Will I ever sell it? Nope, I’ve already arranged to be buried in it!
Story and photo courtesy of Ron Duross.