ON BEHALF OF of the PCA racers, I would like to thank the Trillium Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America for inviting us to participate at the Stuttgart-Munich Challenge Club Race on Aug. 7 to 9 at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (AKA Mosport).
Due to COVID-19 and the border closure for non-essential travel, PCA UCR had to cancel its 2020 Can-Am Challenge Club Race at Mosport that was to take place the weekend prior. With the border closed, PCA National Club Race scrutineers were not able to oversee our race, so it was postponed to August 2021. We will have a dual celebration at this event because it will not only be UCR’s 25th Anniversary Club Race but also the race track’s big 60th Anniversary.
The Stuttgart-Munich Challenge Club Race weekend was a huge success and I have received some great feedback from the PCA racers. Kudos to the Trillium BMW Club Race team and volunteers, who worked tirelessly during the three-day weekend and ensured social distancing measures were fully in place. I would like to give a shout-out to Isi Papadopoulos, Trillium BMW president and Club Race chair, who spent countless hours to plan the race and oversee the event, so he could not participate in the race himself.
I want to thank the three race sponsors — Pfaff BMW, Braidan Motorsport and Bavarian Motorsport. Pfaff provided two beautiful BMWs, an M5 and an 850i as pace cars. I also want to thank several PCA UCR volunteers who helped make this event a huge success: Terry Cassan, Larry Funnell, Jackie Metcalfe (grid captain), Ray Pleasance (pace car), Abe Reinhartz (track doctor), Don Richardson and John Van Atter. Both Ray and Abe are both PCA UCR and Trillium BMW members.
The sunny and hot weather was perfect for racing throughout the three-day weekend. The weekend included a 60-minute enduro race on Friday and three 30-minute sprint races (two on Saturday and one Sunday). Besides the regular BMW CCA Club Race classes at the race, there were time-bracket classes for the Porsches (P-GT1 1:25 and faster, P-GT2 1:25 to 1:30, P-GT3 1:30 to 1:35, P-GT4 1:35 to 1:40, P-GT5 1:40-plus).
There were 31 racers in total with 17 Porsches from PCA racers, 12 BMWs and two Ferraris. Thank you to our 17 PCA racers and their crew for supporting the race. Congratulations to the PCA racers with podium finishes! Please see accompanying table.
We hope to see many PCA racers at our Can-Am Challenge 25th Anniversary Club Race at Mosport in August 2021. Jackie Metcalfe will become Club Race co-chair with Terry Cassan, so we are recruiting a grid captain. If you are interested to be grid captain or volunteer at this signature event of our club, please send an E-mail to volunteer@pcaucr.org. </>
Photos by Samantha Parsons (Instagram@motorsportsam) and Ray Rauber (UCR DE Instructor)