ON APRIL 24, WE WOKE UP TO A BRIGHT AND BALMY DAY. After two years of drought from most social gatherings, due to COVID-19, the beaming sunshine felt like a sign for a great day to come for the UCR Shift Into Spring Open House and 2022 Spring Rally.
Participants gathered early in the morning at 8 a.m. After registration and a driver’s briefing, the first car took off at 9 a.m. from CSN 427 Auto Collision. The two-and-a-half-hour route was split into seven legs with checkpoints manned by volunteers. Most cars did very well, losing very few points. The route took participants to the Forks of The Credit and scenic sights in the outskirts of the GTA. There was a nice balance of countryside views mixed with challenging curved roads. In road-engineering terms, the drivers experienced a variety of horizontal and vertical curves, with the highlight of passing through the complex compound curve after checkpoint four.
Rally cars then had a nice break hosted by Shaheen and his wife Ishrat, providing fruit. Car 12, with Naveen Sidhu and Neer Sirohi, lost only nine points, placing first. They were followed by car 15, with Matthew Held and Ali Darbani, who lost only 10 points. Car 18 placed third with Mark Zemel and Emily Zemel. Car 2 with Ronan McGrath and Sarah placed fourth. Special mention goes to car 14 with Sendy and Steve Souphanthong, and car 6 with Dave Stewart and Rob McLeod. They maintained low points throughout the rally. A few cars missed control six and had a chance to place better. A reminder that if it says a checkpoint is ahead, keep an eye out for the volunteers. These ones were also wearing bright safety vests. This was a wonderful day to socialize and meet up with fellow Porsche aficionados. There were 28 registered rally cars, and we were prepared for 30 cars, though only 19 cars showed up.
Thanks to checkpoint and rally volunteers, Sadia, Imrana, Asif, Andy, Shaheen, Ishrat, Mohamed, Morsant, Karen and Roula. Also, UCR support from Kathleen Wong, Jackie Metcalfe and my wife, Gulzar, for help at the start of the rally and registration, respectively. Thank you to CSN 427 Auto Collision for hosting and opening early for the morning session. These rallies are truly dependent on volunteers. </>
Story by Sajjad Butt | Photography by Kathleen Wong