How to manage your Provinz and Panorama magazines monthly subscriptions

Since the launch of Provinz Digital on February 16, 2020, we have received many great feedback from members. Provinz Digital features some of the main articles from each issue of our Provinz magazine. If you have any comments, the editor of Provinz Digital – Christopher Hebert – can be reached at

UCR members can access the full version of our monthly Provinz magazine (including current and past issues) by logging onto this link.

UCR members can also access the online version of our monthly Panorama on the Porsche Panorama App

If you prefer to view the monthly Provinz or Panorama magazines online going forward rather than receiving a hard copy, you can follow these six steps to manage your subscriptions:

1.  Log onto your PCA National account at
2. Click your name at the top of the screen besides “Welcome”
3. On the next screen, the is a row of boxes you can click. Click “Edit”
4.  On the next screen, scroll down towards the bottom of the screen. There is a section which allows you to manage your subscriptions.
5. You can check the box “Opt out of Panorama magazine or “Opt out of printed regional newsletters.”
6.  Scroll to the bottom and hit “Save”.

If you have any questions, please send an email to