By Otto Mittelstaedt
Everyone else has published an opinion piece listing other driver’s bad habits, so why not me? I’ve never seen any of these on other peoples’ lists. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the driver of a Porsche committing any of these sins.
- Stuff hanging off rear-view mirrors. Peripheral vision killer. Supposedly illegal, but I know of people who have done this for years. When I have driven a car with this, every time the the bauble moves, I want to jump on the brakes.
- People who don’t advance, or advance little into the intersection on green, meaning only one car ( sometimes none! ) get through the intersection on yellow. The corollary is, a half dozen cars go left on red , causing my advance green to run out. (eg., Bayview and Eg ).
- Left turn corner cutters. You know the ones, they strafe the apex to beat the oncoming traffic. Likely to become killers of motorcyclists, and pedestrians.
- You signal to change lanes, and they close the gap. Or they just remain oblivious.
- Right passers when you are signaling right ( see 6.)
- People who start signaling ( normally left ) only after the light changes. I leave a gap, but you have to look out for drivers from 5. above.
- Speeders on residential roads. I had a friend who did 80 on side streets and on the QEW.
- People who filter through residential areas during rush hour.
- People who know a lane change is coming, but need to butt in at the last possible moment because their time is more valuable than yours. I have actually done this myself, but not while driving a Porsche.
- People driving very aggressively in bad cars ( clapped out Chevettes, Accents, etc ).
So there you go. Why not use the comments feature of this web site’s articles to suggest your own?