UCR Annual Gala

On November 30th – as a chill filled the air – 94 UCR enthusiasts plus the new president of Porsche Canada Ltd, Trevor Arthur, gathered at Markland Wood Golf Club for our year-end banquet – aka the UCR Awards Gala. This marked...



The latest stories from the PCA UCR community.

A Celebration of Colour

The year is 2015. Chris Harris drops a bombshell via YouTube in the form of the Porsche 981 Cayman GT4. The internet forums go wild;...

2024 Can-Am Challenge

THE 2024 CAN-AM CHALLENGE CLUB RACE took place at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (aka “CTMP” / aka Mosport) during the Civic Holiday weekend...


Our people and their cars.

Send us your story!

Keith Powell’s 1996 911

CELEBRATING THE 25th Anniversary of the Porsche 911 993 is a great event for this family. In my early car days, post university, I raced...

Appreciating the Journey

THERE IS SOMETHING REALLY SPECIAL about the shape and appearance of the 996 and 986 Porsche generation. Maybe I like it because I saw...

Top-Down Snowmobile

Stefan Uriadka Goes Boxster Sledding

My Porsche 911 Journey

Vince Aldorasi’s 2004 911 Turbo MY JOURNEY BEGAN with a 2006 997 S Cabrio, then a 996 Turbo Cabrio, which I tuned, lowered and increased...

The Porsche Club of America celebrates the finer things in life. We desire the comfort of good friends and good conversation, and we praise to a fault the world’s finest automobile. Since its founding in 1955, our close-knit community of Porsche owners has grown to 147 regions throughout the United States and Canada. If you own a Porsche, join now!

Porsche Club of America – Upper Canada Region (PCA UCR) is part of PCA’s Zone 1, which includes 17 PCA Regions in the North East USA and Eastern Canada. To learn more about PCA or about Zone 1, please click the logos above to visit those websites.

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