PCA UCR WELCOMED RACERS to the annual PCA Club Race at CTMP on August 2-4. The event is an annual pilgrimage for many Porsche Club Racers from across North America and many of our UCR members, who volunteer countless hours to ensure its success. The weekend also includes an Advanced Solo Lapping (ASL) element where experienced members of our Driver Education program have their own track time over the weekend between the Club Race events to turn laps.
The preparation and continued duties throughout the three-day event require a lot of attention to detail and oversight. If you’ve attended the race weekend, things seem to run effortlessly, but that’s only due to having the right people looking after things. UCR volunteers team up with PCA National Club Race board members to run the event.
Below (in no particular order) is a list of some of the many UCR members involved and their roles for the weekend:
- Kathleen Wong – Club Race Co-Chair
- Jon Dunski – Club Race Co-Chair
- Jackie Metcalfe – Club Race On-Site Chair
- Terry Cassan – Race Advisor
- John Adam – Race Control in Tower
- Robert Martin – Race Control in Tower
- Dave Osborne – Pace Car Driver
- Ken Jensen – Pace Car Communication
- Larry Funnel – Grid Captain
- Bill Neill – Grid Captain in training
- Sylvie Neill – Pre-Race and Event Registration
- Rosemary Adam – Registration
- Pat Van Atter – Registration
- Joanne Patane – Registration
- Matt Distefano – Race Doctor and Nurse
- Kim Dunski – Family Day Chair
- John Tipper – Parade Lap Special Interest Group / (SIG) 914 55th Anniversary Organizer
- Paul Neto – Parade Lap DE Spokesman
- Ben Leung – Advanced Solo Lapping
- Ian Drew – Advanced Solo Lapping
While this event operates separately from our regular monthly Driver Education program, the names listed above are volunteers who contribute to the club in various capacities and rarely receive recognition for their efforts. These members often also contribute in ongoing ways to our club’s operations in other capacities. As a result, the race weekend runs like a well-oiled machine.
Sunday, during the lunch break, many of these individuals were responsible for exposing 250+ people and 100+ cars to the race weekend with a Family Day gathering in the track’s paddock. This also culminated with many visitors partaking in parade laps on track to experience its elevation changes firsthand. It’s much different behind the wheel than sitting trackside or watching video.
Club members who take the opportunity to attend the Family Day event are always elated when they return to the paddock, most having never before driven on the asphalt of a premier Grand Prix race track. Events like the Family Day gathering are excellent ways for PCA members to gain exposure and dip their toes in the water to see if they want to possibly pursue joining our Driver Education program.

August 24th & 25th marks our second Introductory Driver Education event of the season, which provides a pathway into our program, and firsthand experience for novices to engage in exercises and training to build their driving skills for their first instructed laps around the course.
If you’re interested in joining our program next season, don’t forget to mark December 31st on your calendar so when the clock strikes twelve at midnight you stand the best chance at securing your spot. Then set a reminder for 12:01 am January 1st to make sure you don’t forget to kiss your significant other! </>