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Join us for a warm and welcoming kick-off to the 2024 UCR driving season.
Live DJ | UCR Goodie Store | Parts Swap | Vendors | Prizes | Food Truck
Also, representatives from all UCR activities on hand to help answer your questions and get you signed up for a season full of UCR events.
Parts Swap: If you have old or new spare Porsche parts or Porsche merchandise that is taking up space in your home, why not bring it to the Parts Swap to unload it. You can sell it, trade it or give it away for free. It’s entirely up to you. Please contact Mark Solomon for any questions or if you’d like to participate.
If the temptation of vendors, food and chit chat isn’t enough for you, then why not come register for some fabulous prizes. A draw prize of Automobile Appraisal for Insurance by a member of the Professional Association of Vehicle Evaluators ( will be offered to everyone that registers at the UCR Appraisal Desk at Shift Into Spring. Attendees do NOT need to be present to win. Winner will be notified by email.
No pre-registration is required. This is a rain or shine event, so we hope to see you at Shift Into Spring.