70 Years of Porsche

TIME IS PRECIOUS. Time is the most valuable thing someone can spend. Time and tide wait for no one. Time flies. Time is a storm in which we are all lost. Time brings all things to pass.

Select any of these aphorisms, they all apply to these unprecedented pandemic days, usually accompanied by thoughts of regret or longing.

I think we all have a new appreciation of time. How we use it, how it passes, when it will return to normal, when can we enjoy it as freely as we once did. When can we once again get together and experience our fabulous sports cars. On the road and on the track. Or just sitting on display in a grassy field.

As I write this in mid-April, I have not driven either of my Porsches — or any car — in six weeks. Groceries, other sundries, even restaurant food and wine, arrive by something seemingly unworldly called “contactless” delivery. Daily walks bring some respite and connection to the outside world.

For Provinz magazine, it is a unique time — with no past events to report on and none upcoming to promote. More and more are falling victim to coronavirus cancellation. But there is always something. We will always have some memorable events to enjoy in retrospect.

It seems like just yesterday when we all celebrated 70 years of Porsche, in 2018, with a plethora of activities that included PCA UCR’s big annual picnic at Boyd Conservation Area that featured record-breaking attendance of several hundred cars and 500 guests, along with various other events, many hosted by dealerships. Good times!

Enjoy the accompanying photo retrospective.

Please stay healthy, stay safe, but also, remember to stay positive and strong. We will be back together soon.

After that previous world-changing calamitous event, the terrorist attacks of 9/11, a soothing song surged in popularity and helped us all heal, “Only Time” by Enya.

Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time.
And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose, only time. </>

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