Porscheplatz 2023

Once again, Porscheplatz was a pleasant way to spend a weekend at the racetrack with over two hundred of your fellow race fans. However, the Porsche race teams had mixed fortunes. Pfaff Motorsport drivers: Patrick Pilet and Klaus Bachler, finished second in class but in the prototype class the 963s finished a disappointing fourth, fifth and sixth. Surprisingly, the JDC/Miller Motorsports team finished ahead of the Porsche Penske team.

The weekend played out with a very hot Saturday and an overcast and a bit cooler Sunday. The lunches were good and TVs were available for those who wished to get in the shade. Saturday events included: the Pfaff drivers visiting the tent for a Q and A, an entertaining Operation Motorsport auction took place which successfully raised funds for veterans. Tours of the Michelin and Pfaff garages were available, although signing up early was advised.

One of the highlights for those who chose to take it was the parade laps. Fifty Porsches took to the track following the mandatory safety briefing. Judging by the wall-to-wall grins and excited chatter this experience was a big success.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers: John and Pat van Atter, Matt Davis, Christopher Hebert, Kathrin Menge, Jackie Metcalfe, Sylvie and Bill Neill, Matt, Jennifer and Max Nowak, Michael Pohlmann, Randy Spenceley and Frank Tsang. And we thank Lynn Friedman from PCA National who kept things running smoothly.

I am already looking forward to next year. </>

Photography by Frank Tsang & Eshel Zweig

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