By James King, UCR Member
It was a great season and the summer just made for keeping the Porsche cleaner, longer! Now that the end of the fair weather season is approaching and everyone is getting back to their routines, it makes it difficult to get together on a regular basis. For this reason, and the fact that most of us are simply Porsche obsessed, a few Porsche owners got together and created the Porsche Group 905, with the name mostly pertaining to our meeting place. At 10am on the 4th Sunday of each month, a few gather and meet up for a coffee at the Second Cup in Aurora. This gives us time to get together, meet other owners, and talk about our cars, of course! An informal event that does bring by a handful of onlookers…
We come out all year for coffee, those who store our precious possessions away, and those who will keep driving them all winter. For me, it will help to see those who drive their cars all winter, while mine goes into hibernation, so that I will keep being thrilled throughout the winter, as I’m awaiting the spring of the coming year. As we say on the UCR website forum:
“Feel free to come out and meet at the Second Cup in Aurora at 10am. A pure social event for those who love our cars!!”
Porsche Group 905
Please see the Forum area of the new UCR website at for details on this and other get-togethers organized by your fellow members. -Provinz ED